Memoriál Václava Dobeše - Šárovcova lhota - Zvičina
May 11, 2024
- 55rd year of run - start: 13:30
- 18th year MTB/bicycle - start: 10:30

Race belong to Czech extreme running cup funny match for all, who likes fun and mischief-making.

Introduction - tradition of the race was established more than 40 years ago. Mr.Dobeš bet five others beers. Every minute bellow limit of 2 hours was equal to one beer. In the result (1:37:00) Mr.Dobes lost 92 beers :-)))

... and from this event, the race is held every year. Twenty years ago was added to the Czech extreme running cup, has been visited by many professional and amateur runners and times of the best racers started to be better then 1 hour. The race is very difficult - 14,7km long with 396m altitude ... btw, the sight from start to Zvicina is enough to made some people (like me) crazy and ill :-)))

This year again - we have made maximum to motivate all funny people to make fun for others and also for themselves. There are not only official sport categories - we established several new FUNNY categories for those people, which sports just for fun and are not registred runners. Everybody could choose the appropriate one. There will be prized not only the first, but also the last.